- When was Iterum Therapeutics plc founded?
Iterum was founded in 2015.
- Where is Iterum Therapeutics plc incorporated?
Iterum was incorporated in Ireland in June 2015 as a private limited company and was re-registered as a public limited company in March 2018.
- Where is Iterum Therapeutics plc's corporate headquarters?
Our corporate headquarters are located at:
3 Dublin Landings
North Wall Quay
Dublin 1, D01 C4E0
IrelandOur U.S. headquarters are located at:
200 South Wacker Dr., Suite 3100
Chicago, IL 60606- Who are the members of Iterum Therapeutics plc's Board of Directors?
You can view our Board of Directors by visiting the “Board of Directors” section of our website.
- Who are the members of Iterum Therapeutics plc's management team?
You can view our management team by visiting the “Senior Management” section of our website.
- When is Iterum Therapeutics plc's fiscal year-end?
December 31
- Who is Iterum Therapeutics plc's independent registered public accounting firm?
- On which exchange is Iterum Therapeutics plc listed and what is the ticker symbol?
Iterum is traded on the NASDAQ Capital Market under the symbol “ITRM.”
- When did Iterum Therapeutics plc's go public?
Iterum commenced trading on the NASDAQ Global Market on May 25, 2018.
- How can I purchase shares?
Shares can be purchased through a stockbroker of your choice.
- Does Iterum Therapeutics plc have a direct stock purchase plan?
Iterum does not currently offer a direct stock purchase plan.
- Does Iterum Therapeutics plc pay dividends and have a dividend reinvestment program?
Iterum does not expect to pay dividends for the foreseeable future and does not currently offer a dividend reinvestment program.
- What is Iterum Therapeutics plc's CUSIP number?
G6333L 200
- Who is Iterum Therapeutics plc's transfer agent and how do I contact them?
Iterum’s transfer agent is Computershare Trust Company N.A. (“Computershare”).
Contact Computershare as follows:
Regular Mail: Computershare, PO Box 43078, Providence RI 02940-3078
Overnight Delivery: Computershare, 250 Royall Street, Canton MA 02021
+ 1-866-644-4127 (US, Canada, Puerto Rico)
+ 1-781-575-2906 (non-US)
- How can I replace my lost stock certificates?
If you have misplaced your stock certificates, please contact our transfer agent, Computershare. There may be a fee involved for replacing lost stock certificates.
- How do I report a change of mailing address?
You must send both your old and new addresses to our transfer agent, Computershare by mail to the address noted above. Each stockholder in question must sign a request for an address change.
- How can I get a copy of your Annual Report or any other investor materials such as an Investor Relations kit or 10-K?
Quarterly & Annual Reports and other investor materials, when available, can be found in “Quarterly Results” in the “Financials & Filings” section of the “Investors” section of our website. Additionally, all SEC filings can be accessed directly from the SEC at www.sec.gov.
- Where can I find recent Iterum Therapeutics plc press releases?
You can view our recent press releases by visiting the “News” section of our website.
- Who can I contact if I am a member of the media?
For media inquiries please send an email to communications@iterumtx.com.
- Where can I find more information on Iterum Therapeutics plc's R&D programs?
You can view information on our development programs by visiting the “Our Science” section of our website.
- How do I contact Investor Relations with a question or request?
For investor related questions please send an email to ir@iterumtx.com.
- How can I sign up to receive Iterum Therapeutics plc's press releases and other company information?
Please visit the “Investors” section of our website and fill out our web form to be added to our distribution list.
- If I have questions regarding Iterum Therapeutics plc that have not been answered, whom should I contact?
You can reach Investor Relations by sending an email to ir@Iterumtx.com.